Wednesday, December 30, 2009


A new tool for communication, for the project ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI was since December 30, 2009 at the disposal of creators, artists. It is active communication network ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI hosted on the web at

One of the most obvious advantages that it offers ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI NETWORK is that artists, creators, will be able to interact effectively with all available tools to support web posting monthly thematic creations. In pararel can develop separate topics, discussions, etc., through the utilities available to them in the network.

Evolution of the project led naturally to the modern technical solution that will reinvigorate intercultural exchange of views on which it proposes ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI.

Welcome, all who become members of the ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI NETWORK !


Un nou intrument destinat comunicarii , destinat proiectului ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI se afla incepand din 30 decembrie 2009 la dispozitia creatorilor. Acesta este reteaua de comunicare ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XX I gazduita pe web la adresa

Unul dintre avantajele cele mai evidente pe care le ofera ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI NETWORK este faptul ca artistii, creatorii, vor putea interactiona eficient, avand la dispozitie toate instrumentele necesare postarii pe suportul web a creatiilor tematice lunare. In pararel vor putea dezvolta subiecte distinct , discutii , etc, prin intermediul utilitatilor aflate la dispozitia lor in retea. Evolutia proiectului a condus in mod natural catre aceasta solutie tehnica moderna care va dinamiza schimbul intercultural si de opinii pe care il propune ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI. Bun venit, tuturor celor care devin membri ai ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI NETWORK!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009



"This photo is double exposed photo taken Yokohama in Japanese seaside town, my home town. For me the Normality is just a non special view that I know well, but sometimes I find unmorality to that, that is a one aspect of power that photo has. And I think that I am Japanese, so I want to take one you can feel Japan. Kind regards."


                                     -Niiro Sho-

Born in Yokohama, started to take photos in 1999 and became independent photographer in 2005. My dream was to be a cosmonaut when I knew the photography world, but “Human Land” by Narahara Ikkou changed my way. Now live in Yokohama and belong to Gallery Niepce at Yotuya.

Photo Exhibition -Solo

-Yokohama Lights 2 ver. (Yokohama Akarenga Gallery 2003.03)
-Root 1 (Gallery Niepce 2006.6)
-Yokohama, the fairest home town (Garellia Q 2007.9)
-Out Line (Garellia Q 2008.2)
-Dystopia Nippon (Gallery Niepce 2009.2)
-Now Sanya (Gallery Niepce 2009.6)

Photo Exhibition -Group

- vs. Station by Dystopia Photographers (Gallery Niepce 2009.9)

Emanuel Stoica -Sweden - photography - meditation on normality


 - Emanuel Stoica -

 Stockholm, Sodertalje, Sweden

 Mobile phone- 0046/ 0738737875

 *Photo-reports completed in Europe (Romania, Spain,Bulgaria, Sweden) and Asia (Thailand)

 *Personal photo-exhibition:

-December, 2007- "Alba Iulia by night"- Romania, Alba Iulia, Union's Culture House Galery

-June 2008 - "Thai shots", Alba Iulia, Romania, Trinity Art Galery

-November 2009- "Pretext, syntesis, scale"- Stockholm, Bredang Swedish Church Galery

 About some of my photos-

Sunday, December 20, 2009



Proffesional photographer since 1983.

Born on 3 january 1964, in Aiud, Alba county , Romania.

Artistic activity:

Personal exhibitions:
-Personal exhibition during the VII-th edition of International Art camp “Inter Art” Aiud, 2002.
-Personal exhibition during the VIII-th edition of International Art camp “Inter Art “ Aiud,2003.
-Personal exhibition “Landscape from Apuseni”, gallery “Atelier of Artists” ,Cairo, Egypt,2003.
-Personal exhibition “Impressions from Egypt”, Inter Art gallery, Aiud, 2004.
-Personal exhibition “Impressions from Egypt” ,history museum “Augustin Bunea” Blaj,2004.
-Personal exhibition “ Portrait”, Natural Science Museum Aiud,during the “Photographic Art Festival “,first edition ,octomber 2005.
-Personal exhibition “Nude” ,Art Café ,Sibiu, november 2005.
-Personal exhibition “Beyond image” ,june 2006 ,D’art galery,Aiud.

Group exhibitions

-The Inter Art International Art camp final exibition,Inter Art gallery ,Aiud 2003.
-International exhibition during French Days in Aiud,Inter Art gallery,2003.
-P.N.L. exibition ,april 2004 , Inter Art gallery Aiud.
-The Inter Art International Art camp final exhibition ,Inter Art gallery ,Aiud, 2004.
-Autumn salon Inter Art ,octomber 2004,Inter Art gallery Aiud.
-Winter salon Inter Art, december 2004,Inter Art gallery ,Aiud.
-“Eminescu” exhibition ,january 2005 ,”Liviu Rebreanu” cultural center,Aiud.
-Exhibition “The nude” ,march 2005,Inter Art gallery Aiud.
-Spring salon ,march 2005,Inter Art gallery ,Aiud.
-P.N.L. exhibition ,may 2005,Inter Art gallery ,Aiud.
-Group exhibition “ In Vino Veritas” ,may 2005,History Museum Aiud.
-“Flowers for Hellenics”,may 2005, Cultural center , Aiud.
-Icons, may 2005 ,Cultural center , Aiud.
-Summer salon ,june 2005 , Inter Art gallery ,Aiud.
-The Inter Art International Art camp final exhibition ,august2005, Aiud.
-Winter salon ,december 2005 ,Inter Art gallery ,Aiud.
-Spring salon ,april 2006 ,Inter Art gallery ,Aiud.
-Summer salon ,june 2006,Inter Art gallery, Aiud.
-P.N.L. exhibition ,may 2006 ,Cultural center , Aiud.
-The Inter Art International Art camp final exhibition,august 2006,Inter Art gallery Aiud.
-Winter salon ,december 2006 ,Inter Art gallery ,Aiud.
-Easter exhibition ,P.N.L., Aiud, Inter Art gallery , april 2007.
-Spring salon ,may 2007 ,Inter Art gallery ,Aiud.
-The Inter Art International Art camp, final exhibition , august 2007.
-Autumn salon ,octomber 2007, Inter Art gallery , Aiud.
-Group exhibition during the “ Photographic art and cinematography festival”,octomber 2007 ,2008,2009
Woodrow –exhibition W.Center –Washington DC-march 2009
Waterfall-exhibition-The Nave Gallery-Somerville MA 2-26 april 2009
Easter exhibition P.N.L Inter art gallery Aiud aprilie 2009
The inter Art International Art camp final exibition august 2008
The international exihibition Egypt -Menya nov 2008
The international exihibition Arts, cigones et nature– Rabat-Sale may 2009
The inter art gallery-International Art camp final exibition august 2009
Finaly exhibions –photoetnografica-Baia Mare-oct 2009-Central Library.
Group-internatinal exhibitions-Galerie Time –News room
Vienna -Austria nov 2009
Group international exhibitions,,Freedom without borders””History
Museum Alba Iulia-Union Hall dec 2009
_ Art camps:
-International art camps “Inter Art Aiud” 2003-2009.
-National art camp Ramet,july 2005.
_International art camp Egypt –El Menya 2008
-Spring of Visual Arts 2nd edition Rabat-Sale Maroc may 2009
-Photoartcamp’’photoetnografica’’Breb .Maramures sept 2009
-Photoartcamp –international’’photoetnografica’’Repedea-Rahiv(Ucraina)-oct 2009

Mail art

Hamlet- 2004
Nud-art- 2006
Arta si natura 2008
Libertate 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009


 Dorel Lazăr

Data naşterii: 29 mai 1954
Locul naşterii: Municipiul Orăştie jud. Hunedoara
Studii: Liceul Industrial, Şcoala Postliceală de Artă şi Tehnică Fotografică, specializat ca Inspector securitatea şi sănătatea muncii.
Activitate: pedagog în cadrul grupului Şcolar Auto Aiud; fotograf la Cooperativa Meşteşugărească „Record” Aiud; fotograf în cadul Cooperativei Meşteşugăreşti „Arta Meşteşugarilor” Moineşti jud. Bacău; tehnician cu atribuţii de propagandă foto-film în cadrul Cabinetului de Protecţia Muncii de la Schela Petrolieră Modârzău jud. Bacău; profesor-instructor la catedra „Foto, film animaţie” din cadrul Clubului Elevilor Moineşti jud. Bacău; director tehnic al televiziunii „Eurosat TV” Moineşti jud Bacău; reporter operator la Canal 6 Tv Bacău, Tele 7 ABC Alba Iulia; reporter la cotidienelel „Informaţia de Alba” şi „Ulpia Jurnal” din Alba Iulia, în prezent colaborator la mai multe publicaţii şi agenţii de presă.
- Laureat în repetate rânduri al festivalului „Cântarea României” secţiunile, fotografie, film de scurt metraj, diaporamă şi diapozitiv.

- Expoziţii personale de fotografie:
 În străinătate:
-Budapesta (Ungaria 1987), Cracovia (Polonia 1987), Sofia (Bulgaria 1988) Kiev (URSS 1988), Vicny şi Lyon (Franţa 2005).
În ţară:
Galeriile „Genaza” din Moineşti jud Bacău (1982, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995; 1997. Clubul CFR Iaşi (1986) galeriile de Artă Plastică Piatra Neamţ (1987), Casa de Cultură a Sindicatelor Bacău (1997); Aiud Centrul Cultural”Liviu rebreanu” (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009), Galeriile „Inter-Art” Aiud (decembrie 2006, martie 2007); Muzeul de Istorie Aiud (2004, 2005, 2006 şi 2008)
Ocna Mureş- Casa Orăşenească de Cultură (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)

Participări la expoziţii colective:

Bienala de artă organizată de către fundaţia Inter-Art Aiud (2004, 2006 şi 2008), Washington D.C. (2008) la Centrul Internaţional Woodrow Wilson, Wiena în Galeria Time (2009).

- Coautor în cadrul cineclubului „Aurul Negru” Moineşti, jud.Bacău la realizarea a 8 filme de cineamatorism premiate în cadrul concursurilor de specialiatate din ţară şi străinătate.
- Membru fondator al Asociaţiei Umoriştilor din Moldova „Trecătoarea râsului” Ghimeş-Palanca, iniţiator al Festivalului Internaţional de Epigrame Caricatură şi Umor „EPIGRAFIX” Aiud şi al Festivalului Internaţional de Documentare Artistice şi Artă Fotografică „ART – AIUD”.
- Scrieri, editoriale, reportaje, articole şi epigrame în: cotidianul „Deşteptarea” Bacău, în săptămânalul „Expresul de Trotuş” şi în cotidienele „Informaţia de Alba” şi „Ulpia Jurnal” din Alba Iulia, Romanian Global News şi Prompt Media.
- Cărţi de epigrame şi catrene umoristice: „Praf în ochii orbilor” editura „Buna Vestire” Blaj 2002; „Carte de înjurături” editura „Buna Vestire” Blaj 2005; „Manual pentru guvernarea României” editura „Buna Vestire” Blaj 2006; „Cu prostia în mână şi furtuna în gură” editura „Buna Vestire” 2008

 Prezent cu lucrări de artă fotografică în muzee de artă şi colecţii particulare din: Romania, Ungaria, Rusia, Bulgaria, Austria, Franţa, Italia, Germania, Egipt, Marea Britanie, etc.
Domiciliul - Aiud str, Ion Creangă nr 31
Contacte: tel. 0258/861905; 0723919237;

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cristian Matei- graphic design- Normality

About Me :

 My name is  Marian Cristian Matei .

Born on 09 September 1989
I live in Alba Iulia city, Romania.
Studies: Alba Iulia High School of Art , where i studied painting and won three prizes at regional and National Art contests. After graduation i had the pleasure to participate at two group exhibitions, where i participated with four paintings and had the pleasure of meeting great local artists.
Current studies : I studied at the Theological University for one year and retired
Current occupation : Graphic Designer, Desktop Publisher.
Art Interests : Graphic Design, Poetry, Religious Orthodox Painting.

Cristian Matei - Poetry - Normality

What is normality in the mind of a man that just commited murder?
Or how does normality relate with a woman,
That killed her child before birth?
What conection has normality with them?

I saw a bus station in the middle of nowhere
Filled with lost children expectind unaware, something
I came close to them and i realised that I know them, apparently though
They are not from my world.

On their faces stood their lack of understanding
I couldn't, me, a crazy man promisse them good
I know this world arround me
And above all, i know myself.

In a strange and hardened way i came close to them.
Hope was not there
People still need her
People who are hoping to win all the money in the world at lottery.

I've left them everything i had
Money for tickets and sweets
And i went back in the desert of my soul
Knowing that nobody will send a bus
To bring them closer to peoples ignorance

What was i suppose to do ? ....

Wednesday, December 9, 2009



Silvan Stancel - NORMALITATE(vocal)
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica


Date of birth: July 02, 1978
Nationality: Romanian
Residence: Alba Iulia, ROMANIA
Website for demo musical creations:

 Silvan Stâncel was born in Alba Iulia on July 2th, 1978, in a family with strong artistic tendencies, his father being a poet and his sister a painter. He fell in love with the guitar at the age of 17, in a camp where he learned the first chords and, once he got home, he found a guitar brought by chance by his sister who, although with some minor defects, captured all his attention. From that moment on, Silvan, a self-taught guitar player, practiced every day, up to twelve hours a day without stopping. After the first three months of study, he had already mastered the main chords and was able to play along any song. A bit later, he discovered classical guitar and irremediably fell in love with it. He learned classical guitar pieces "by the ear", but realized that, in order to perfect himself, he must begin studying musical theory. As a student in Cluj-Napoca, he got acquainted with various artists and guitar lovers. Among others, he met Andras Varga, from whom he "stole" the flamenco guitar techniques, a music style that would strongly influence Silvan. He started composing his first instrumental and voice-guitar songs. At the same time, he had the first public performances, singing and playing his own creations. After graduating from the university, Silvan returned to Alba Iulia, continuing to study classical guitar, flamenco, and jazz still as self-taught. The public performances were very rare until October 2006, when composer and singer Vali Serban suggested him to compete in the Ziua de Mâine ("Tomorrow") National Festival Competition of Folk Music in Alba Iulia, although his compositions surpass the borders of this musical genre. Then, little by little, he got invitations from the all over the country to other festivals of this kind and others, where his compositions brought him the most important prizes (see ACHIEVEMENTS). Thus, Silvan got to meet the most valued artists of the moment, befriending some of them. Besides, he befriends with some of the younger artists he met during these festivals. Presently, Silvan Stâncel is invited to perform to various festivals and artistic exhibitions from all over the country and abroad.

- Grand Prize CORONA, National Folk Music Contest Corona Folk, Brasov, 2007
- 1st Award Instrumental music - Guitar, International Festival and Music Contest Curierul Zilei, Pitesti, 2007
- 1st Award National Folk Music Festival Om Bun, Bucuresti, 2006
- 1st Award National Folk Music Festival Prima iubire ("The First Love"), Reghin, 2006
- Jury's Special Award at the Bistrita Folk National Folk Music Festival, 2006
- Grand prize/Trophy at the Omul cu o chitara ("The Man with a Guitar") National Folk Music Festival, Braila, 2006
- Grand prize/Trophy at the Ziua de mâine ("Tomorrow") National Folk Music Festival, Alba Iulia, 2006


Current position:

2004 - present Literary Secretary, Puppet Theater PRICHINDEL, Alba Iulia
2002 - present Teacher, authorized translator into/from German - French
2006 - present Voluntary musical animator of the Cultural Association Cultur'ART, Alba Iulia

Monday, December 7, 2009



   Ce este normalitatea in mintea unui bărbat care a comis o crimă?
sau cum se raportează normalitatea la fapta unei femei,
care şi-a ucis copilul înainte de naştere?
ce legatura e între normalitate şi ei?

  Am întâlnit o staţie de autobuz în mijlocul pustiei
plină de copii părăsiţi care aşteptau în neştiinţă, ceva.
m-am apropiat şi am realizat că îi cunosc, desigur doar în aparenţă.
nu sunt ei din lumea mea .

   Pe chipul lor se citea lipsa de înţelegere de care suferă
Doar nu mă apucam eu un nebun să le promit că va fi bine
Eu care cunosc lumea din jurul meu
Şi într-un mod special, mă ştiu pe mine.

  Ciudat şi plin de nesimţire m-am decis să le ofer puţină speranţă.
Speranta nu era acolo intre prietenii ei ,
Mai sunt oameni care au nevoie de ea
oameni care speră că o să câştige la loto toţi banii lumii.

  Le-am lasat tot ce aveam la mine
bani de bilete, bani de dulciuri.
Şi am plecat înapoi în pustiul sufletului meu
Conştient că nu va trimite nimeni un autobuz
Care să îi aducă aproape de ignoranţa umană .

Ce era sa fac ? ...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mesaj pentru IMI

Primim din partea domnului Horia Stoicanu, din România, un mesaj care, constituindu-se într-un inspirat compliment adus sentimentului de prietenie, se încadrează, prin conţinut, la enunţul "NORMALITATE". Dincolo de interpretări subiective, textul:

  Martor mi-e D-zeu, nu l-am simpatizat din prima clipa. Flautistul si arhitectul Sorin Minhgiat mi-a prezentat un material audio numit "Nebunul de alb", foarte greu digerabil, avand in vedere perspectiva mea asupra lircoismului păunescian, mai cu seamă asupra nefastelor lui consecinţe asupra fenomenului folk.
  Dar, în vara lui 2008, l-am cunoscut la Calafat în persoană pe IMI şi l-am simpatizat imediat, chiar înainte să aflu că el compusese "Nebunul". Era acolo o atmosferă de desâvârşită camaraderie şi colegialitate, încât ne-am putut cunoaşte bine unii pe alţii, mai ales la cântarile de după spectacolele promgramate.
 Şi aşa l-am cunoscut. Smead, feminofag şi unoeri aricios,ca orice artist nominal, m-a impresionat în primul rând prin calitatea progresiilor armonice. Liniile melodice erau incă înfeudate versurilor cu metrică strict msurată, limită depăşită astăzi prin curajul de a-şi singur textele.
  Seară de seară, succesele lui erau remarcabile, mereu pigmentate cu producţii noi. Între timp s-a remarcat nu doar ca un excelent compozitor şi armonist, ci şi ca un priceput organizator de spectacole. Practic, la această oră, tot ce se întâmplă în Cluj ca viaţă artistică folk se datorează bunelor intenţii şi colegialităţii lui Emeric Imre, aflat nu o dată la concurenţă cu trustul informativ reprezentat de cunoscuta grupare clujeană Folkblog.
  Fiind un moment aniversar, nu pot încheia decât dorindu-i lui IMI noi succese pe drumul lui, deja bine cadastrat.

Cu cele mai bune sentimente,
 Horia Stoicanu

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Creativity - at home - in "ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI " project

 Participants in the "ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI" works, have started to arrive. Theme NORMALITY, valid till end of January 2010, was proposed by the artist, composer and interpreter of folk music SILVAN STANCEL from Alba Iulia, Romania.                                   The first name that suggests, three of his works, into NORMALITY theme (topic valid until end of January2010 ) is artist COSMIN COCIŞ from France.
  List of participants remains open, following the late December 2009 to be made known names who have confirmed since the first month, participation in "ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI".


   Pe adresa proiectului "ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI" au început să sosească primele lucrări ale participanţilor. Tematica NORMALITATE, valabilă până la sfârşitul lunii ianuarie 2010 a fost propusă de artistul albaiulian, cantautorul şi interpretul de muzică folk SILVAN STANCEL.
  Primul nume care propune, din Franţa, trei dintre lucrările sale, sub semnul tematicii NORMALITATE, valabilă până în luna ianuarie, este artistul COSMIN COCIŞ.
  Lista participanţilor rămâne deschisă, urmând ca la sfârşitul lunii decembrie să fie făcute cunoscute numele care au confirmat încă din prima lună participarea la "ACTIV PERSPECTIVE XXI".


Born on July 27, 1976, in Ocna Mures/Alba, Romania. In 1994, he graduated from the High School of Arts, in Alba Iulia, Romania, and in 1999, from the Visual Arts Academy Ion Andreescu, Faculty of Fine Arts, sculpture department, in Cluj Napoca, Romania. He is currently a member of the UAP (The Fine Artists’ Union) Romania. Between 2000 and 2006, he lived and worked in Alba Iulia, where he taught sculpture and graphics at the local High School of Arts. During this period he was also deeply involved in the artistic life of the city: for a while, he was a member of the local UAP managing board and the leader of Atelier 35, a young artists’ movement. In 2005, he initiated and carried out the Delta Art project on managing and promoting private art symposiums. He organized and carried out experimental art projects in unconventional spaces, i.e. the pub La Pas in Alba Iulia, 2006-2007. In 2007, he specialized in animatronic sculpture, working for the TAA Industries.Since 2008, he has been living and working in France, as a freelance artist.

butterfly-mixed media-h-45cm

ghost butterflies-mixed media on canvas-40x40cm

story about butterflies-mixed drawing-dimensions variable

  "My artistic approach can be defined as experimental and polymorphic. Arising from an intuitive-descriptive graphism, it flows through psychedelic colours and aims to achieve the metaphor-object. There are no material, technical or ideological constraints. Objects, colours, graphism, actions or performances are mixed into the continuous process of shaping up a personal mythology, into a quest for plastic solutions, the main iconographical object of which is the butterfly. The butterfly as transcendent evolution. The butterfly in all its symbolic and iconographical complexity.The transfer of the imaginary through different media occurs on a bidimensional to tridimensional trajectory in an attempt to sublime the individuality of the artistic fact, to essentialize and eventually transcend it into the collective consciousness."
                                      COSMIN COCIŞ, FRANCE